
Contact Us

Diet and Nutrition

Sponsorship Forms


A selection of Frequently Asked Questions

Q. I missed the mass weigh-ins on the 21st and 22nd. Can I still participate?
A. Yes. So long as you pay the £10 membership fee you can enrol at any of the fortnightly meetings and get weighed in right up to the 14th May.

Q Are all of the fortnightly meetings to be held on a Wednesday evening between 4 and 6pm in the foyer of the Central Library Romford?
A Yes. With one exception. The first meeting in April will be on Tuesday 1st April (April Fools Day) because the location had already been booked and the invitations dispatched.

Q How was the Mayor's Charity chosen?
A The Mayor's charity is the personal choice of the incumbent Mayor. Councillor Peter Gardener chose 'Victim Support', which is an organisation that he chaired locally for several years.

Q Can Councillors win any of the prizes sponsored by Havering businesses?
A No! The prizes are exclusively for the public and council staff to win. Councillors can only win the fun prizes donated by the four groups represented on the Council. The first prize, a bottle of champagne, will be provided by the largest group on the Council and so on. The fourth prize, a pair of yellow socks (new) is to be donated by the smallest represented group.

Q I'm not fat but I would like to contribute?
A Even if you are slim and good looking and make the rest of us envious - we will still be happy to take any money from you that you are willing to give or money that you have raised by any other legal means! Just make your cheque payable to the Mayor's FatClub and send it to -
FatClub c/o Councillor Malvin Brown, Town Hall, Romford RM1

Q Do you offer dietary advice?
A NHS dietitians and nutritionists will generally be available at all of our meetings to provide help and guidance to those that seek it. A selection of their informative leaflets will always be available. Also, keep an eye on this site because it will be updated with the latest information on dieting and related subjects.