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FatClub.org... where fat people say goodbye and slim people say hello!

The FINAL!! meeting of FatClub is on Wednesday 14th May in the foyer of Romford Library between 4 and 6 in the evening.

And remember... Everyone is welcome to join up at ANY of the meetings (Yes.. Even the last one!). So even if you haven't signed up; you can still do so at any time. Plus, it's cheaper than a traditional diet club anyway! It's a one-off fee of £10 to join (and any sponsorship you are kind enough to raise), and then you can come along to the fortnightly meetings for free to weigh in and check on your progress. And what other slimming club gives you fabulous prizes as well?

At the very least let FatClub be a starting point for your new weight loss plan, and lets help Victim Support to raise some much needed funds.

We look forward to seeing you at the next meeting!

Background Information

The idea of the Mayor's FatClub was first conceived by Councillor Malvin Brown when he considered the advisability of losing four stones in weight from his Corporate frame. Christmas was close at hand and the idea gelled that if the pain of abstinence could be spread among many it would be possible to raise substantial cash for charity and also help the Fat people of Havering to feel good and look better.

It had the advantage of not requiring abstinence before Christmas but would provide an irrevocable incentive for him and the other Fatties of Havering to become substantial weight losers in the New Year and in consequence raise funds for the Mayor's nominated charity, 'Victim Support'.

At the Mayor's soiree just before Christmas Malvin told the Mayor, Councillor Peter Gardner, that he had an idea which would raise funds for his selected charity but that he had not worked out the details. Over the Christmas holiday, he did, and the Mayor's FatClub was born.

A group of Havering Councillors agreed to put themselves in the spotlight, and on the spot to lose weight, sponsored by members of the public. Local newspapers, the Romford Recorder and the Yellow Advertiser agreed to publicise the FatClub and invited their readers to sponsor a Fat Councillor's weight loss with their money. The public's pounds for the Councillor's kilos.

Even Havering's local radio station Soul City FM got in on the act by broadcasting an interview with Malvin in which he invited the rest of Havering's fatties to join the FatClub in conjunction with the slimming Councillors, under the banner of, Doing Good, Feeling Good, Looking Great! The switchboard was swamped with expressions of support.

Havering's own NHS Primary Care Trust Dietetic and Nutrition service was invited to participate to lend their expertise and to give professional advice. They did so willingly and became enthusiastic participants in our grand design to raise lots of money for 'Victim Support' and at the same time help to improve the health and well being of the Borough's citizens.

The inaugural meetings of the FatClub were on Tuesday 21st and Wednesday 22nd January 2003; but we need your help to get more people. So please come along to the next meeting if you haven't joined yet.

The Primary Care Trust Dietitians are there to give advice, with informative leaflets and posters, pointing the way to healthy and problem free slimming.

Prospective weight losers are encouraged to get sponsorship forms completed by friends, relatives and work place colleagues, so that much more is riding on their success than the personal satisfaction of Doing Good, Feeling Good and Looking Great! The knowledge that 'Victim Support' is dependant on their resolve to achieve their goal will serve as an anchor at times when mere will power is not enough.